Indigenous knowledge provides the basis for local-level decision-making about many fundamental aspects
of day-to-day life. As most of the rural people’s subsistence is emanated from agriculture, it properly
comprises ...
Culture is a very broad term that bothers many scholars and authors to arrive at a common
specified definition. However, it is studied in collaboration with different definitions from different
scholars. This ...
The current government of Ethiopia claims that effective agricultural extension service contributes for the
improvement of smallholder farmers’ productivity and production. Despite multiple interwoven factors
hinder ...
This research is Yekrar Sub watershed, located Debark Woreda north Gondar Administration, In
the study area conservation government’s office of agriculture and rural development in Resource
Management Program ...
The progress of forest resources management is not measured only by for what purpose and how much
we utilize it but also the willingness, organization and preparation of developing and protecting it. So,
the main ...
This descriptive research was implemented generally to assess grade twelve students’ motivation
towards learning speaking skills in English at Yehibrat Fire Preparatory School which is found
in TulluBollo town South ...
This study was aimed at investigating the actual practice of translating legal documents.
Specifically, an attempt has been made to identify the major challenges that translators
encounter ...
This study aimed to describe, examine and analyze structural features and identify their
similarities and differences among the churches in the Wäräda and to assess current
conservation ...
This study was concerned with assessing the teaching of English language through integrating macro
skills of English language in Harar and Abadir secondary schools of Harari region . The objectives of the
study were: ...
oil erosion is a long lasting problem in Ethiopia. It has political, environmental, economic and
societal implications for the country as a whole and it is important that potential erosion areas
are identified. The ...
The main macroeconomic objectives of most developing countries including Ethiopia are
sustained economic growth with sound financial system. Many researchers are interested to
analyze the relation between economic growth ...
This study focuses on historical heritages in Gore town and its surroundings since the late 19
century in Ale woreda, southwestern Ethiopia. The area is endowed by different historical heritages
that ...
Nowadays, climate change is the most complex and challenging environmental problem facing
the world today. Understanding perception and adaptation strategies at a community level is
important for achieving ...
Divorce has a global phenomenon and social relationship impact on children in a broad and it is
a sensitive issue. Divorce has negative social impact on parent-child, peer, and neighborhoods
relationship. The general ...
This study is conducted in Gedeo zone: the case of Dilla zuria woreda on heritage management
practice and issues of heritage management. Gedeo zone where, Dilla zuria woreda is found in
SNNPR of Ethiopia that contains ...
The purpose of this study was to assess the teachers’ and students’ perceptions about written
corrective feedback in the development of writing skills at Debark Millennium secondary
school, Grade nine students. ...
The challenges and violence which are being faced by the housemaids in Gondar city is rapidly
growing. The objective of this research is to investigate the magnitude of domestic violence:
physical, sexual ...
Sexual abuse and exploitation of children is one of the ubiquitous and the most brutal forms
of violence against children. This study assessed the impacts of child sexual abuse on
sexually abused children ...
Land use change has profound impacts on ecosystem service, food production and
environment balance (Huimin, 2009). Ingeneral it was concluded that land use changes take
place rapidly, mostly due to population ...
The study has attempted to survey and assess the values of heritages in the Kafa Administrative
Zone of South West Ethiopia. It has examined basic distinctions between different types of values
relevant to heritages. ...