This study was concerned with assessing the teaching of English language through integrating macro
skills of English language in Harar and Abadir secondary schools of Harari region . The objectives of the
study were: First, to assess the awareness and understanding of English teachers toward the
integrated-skills ,to assess how ( method) English language teachers integrate language skills in English
language classroom, to find out learners' attitudes towards the teaching/learning of English language
through integrating the basic skills in the classroom and to examine factors that influence implementation
of integrated-skills teaching in classrooms .The study used descriptive survey design and the target
population was 1752(20 teachers of English, and 1732 students). The sample size was 120 learners
(6.9%) sampled using random stratified technique and 20 teachers of English (100%) sampled using
available sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires for students and the teachers of English
and observation schedules for the targeted classes
The study showed that, in relation to integrated skills teachers had enough theoretical awareness on the
approach of the teaching of integrated macro skills of English language and also the merits of teaching
integrated macro skills for the development of English language. But they were impractical in
implementing the approach. That is to say, the teachers, although some teachers sometimes integrated
two skills, most of them did not teach two or more skills through integration deliberately.
The study also revealed that that teacher centered teaching techniques were the most frequently used by
those teachers observed which does not enhance integration in the development of English language
skills questioning the efficacy of lecturing to integrating the four language skills. The study has also
revealed that there were problems related to teachers training ,the school and the school administrative
that influence the teaching of integrated macro skills in the classroom.
The recommendations of the study were: the government to make effort to avail adequate teaching
learning resources, in- servicing training through seminars and workshops to emphasize on use of
student- centered strategies and active involvement of learners in the learning process. Due attention
should be given by the school administration and other stakeholders to implement integrated macro skills
in the classroom.
The findings of this study would provide developers, educationists and policy makers with general
information on the most appropriate means of integrating macro skills of English language in the
classroom .