This study is conducted in Gedeo zone: the case of Dilla zuria woreda on heritage management
practice and issues of heritage management. Gedeo zone where, Dilla zuria woreda is found in
SNNPR of Ethiopia that contains various types of cultural and natural heritage. Staeles
throughout the zone, rock engraving, Dararo ritual practice, Songo (assembles of the elders),
and traditional administration (Gada system), the palace of Aba Gada, purity water, and others
are cultural heritage of study area. The kube hill forest in Dilla zuria woreda, waterfalls and
different caves, and indigenous agroforestry system of the zone are among natural heritage of
the woreda and the zone. Therefore, preserving and conserving that heritage in well-mannered
way and studying about their management and management practice to inherit them for next
generations are very important. But, except from few studies on the practice of some of those
heritages for example, on the practice of Dararo, Gada system and agroforestry system, no study
on the heritage management, management practice and management issues of the heritage on
the study area. So this study is tried to answer those question. The paper is organized in five
chapters; Chapter one is deals with geographical, historical and study background and
statement of the problem, significance and data collections method. The researcher is used
qualitative research method and interpretive approach to analyze data that collected from prefield and field activities. Interview and field observation are the main source of the research.
Chapters two, three and four are findings chapters that deals with heritage management
practice, issues of heritage management practice and challenges of heritage management. The
norm of the society is the important way to keep the heritage of study area. Replacing trees,
golfing he voice of the elders and others are practiced to keep the heritage in the area. The tree
issues identified in study area are Managerial, resource and social issues. Managerial issues are
consists the stakeholders, finance, manpower, planning and policy, infrastructural issues are
listed and explained. The ownership and conservation issues are included under resource issues
and the issues of truism and conflict of interest are included in social issue. The lack of
coordination, transportation problem, lack of awareness, and lack of promotional work, lack of
manpower and policy and shortage of budget are the challenges of heritage managements.