Rice is among the most important crops grown in different parts of Ethiopia as food crop. Rice
farming in the country has increased from time to time. This study, therefore, aims to study
challenges and ...
Capital structure decisions are the most important decisions for any financial well-being of business. The general objective of the study is to investigate the determinants of capital structuretotal debt ratio ...
Every business organizations without loyal customers and strategic customer relationship
marketing are bound to be unsuccessful. Customer loyalty is the behavior of customers
trying to keep their promises ...
Marketing mix elements plays a critical role in building brand loyalty. Although there are several
studies conducted on the relationship between marketing mixes elements on brand loyalty, they
shows mixed ...
Tourism has become one of the most significant forces for change in the world today. The
tourism potential of a given space is defined as all natural components, culturalhistorical, socio-demographic, ...
The main objective of this research was to uncover the major stylistic features used in Daniel
Kibret’s selected essays in TeterochenaLeloch and YehuletHawultochWegenaLeloch. The
targeted essays were selected ...
The problem of the study shows that various banks suffer from many types of banking risk.
This has significantly affected banks’ profits. The main aim of the study was to identify the
determinant factors of credit risk ...
Climate change has various impacts on agricultural sector of countries particularly for those
countries whose economies highly depend on agriculture and has low adaptive capacities.
Ethiopian agriculture is ...
This study has explored the characteristics and pattern of seasonal out-migration in study
districts, assessed determinant factors of participation in seasonal out-migration and examined
the income contribution ...
Climate change has various impacts on agricultural sector of countries particularly for those
countries whose economies highly depend on agriculture and has low adaptive capacities.
Ethiopian agriculture is ...
The main objective of the study is to examine the role of micro finances performance on poverty
reduction, the case of ACSI Gondar city administration. To achieve this objective the researcher
used primary and secondary ...
Youth unemployment in Ethiopia in general and in Woreta town in particular is a seriousproblem. In
light of this problem, this study is conducted on identifying the determinants of youth unemployment in
the ...
The study examined the determinant factors that affect the success of Micro and Small
Enterprises in Debark Administrative Town. Considering this into account and so as to achieve
the study objective, the ...