
College of Business and Economics

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College of Business and Economics


Established in 2001 as the Faculty of Management Sciences and Economics, our college has been steadily expanding. In line with our vision and considering the growing demand for qualified and well-trained business professionals, our college launched degree programs in Accounting, Business management and Economics , both regular and extension programs in 2002. The college started a new under graduate training program in Tourism Management in the academic year 2003/2004. Our University was the first university in Ethiopia to launch Tourism Management degree program. In 2005, we launched Marketing Management as the fifth undergraduate degree program. With the expansion of higher education and the need for highly specialized manpower in the country, the College of Business and Economics has launched post graduate programs in Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Economics (MSc) in January, 2010 and Masters in Tourism and Heritage Management (MA) in 2011. Two more post graduate programs in Accounting and Finance (MSc) and Marketing Management (MA) were launched in January 2011 and in September 2011 respectively. The sixth new undergraduate program, hotel management, was launched and started training with 30 students for the first time.


News Currently our college offers six undergraduate programs in Accounting and Finance, Business Management, Economics, Tourism Management, Marketing Management and Hotel management. These programs are being offered in Regular, Extension and distance programs. Five postgraduate programs in Accounting and Finance, Management, Economics, Tourism and Heritage Management and Marketing management are also being offered by the faculty in Regular, Extension and summer programs

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