dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical resources management practice and
challenges in Gonji Kollela Woreda secondary schools. The research design which was employed
is descriptive survey design. Both quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed approaches) were
applied in order to collect the data through questionnaire, interview and written documents. The
collected data were analyzed through quantitative data analysis method by using table,
percentage, and frequency, and qualitative data analysis method by using interpretation and
verbalization. The total population of schools principals are 4(100%), Teachers are 204(100%),
and PSTA members 28(100%) as well 28 heads of KETB officers. 4(100%) schools principal
included as a sampling for the study through comprehensive sampling techniques, 62(30.39%)
Teachers were also taken as a sample for the study through simple random sampling technique,
and 28 of 28(100% )PTA members,28 of 28(100%)head of KETB officers were taken as a sample
for the study through comprehensive sampling techniques. The finding also confirmed that the
majority of the schools didn’t allocate enough budgets to fulfil physical resources. Besides this,
(SGBs) school governing Bodies had not responsible to follow-up the maintenance of buildings,
and school properties. In addition to this, the findings also school governing bodies could not get
short or long term training policy of managing physical resources. Depending up on the findings,
physical resources management practices are recommended to school governance bodies in order
to allocate and distribute budget, and physical plan for educational activities in schools. In
addition to this, all schools should provide school based training programs. |
en_US |