The objective of the study was to assess educational material management and utilization in south
Gondar administrative zone Secondary Schools. In south Gondar administrativezone there are 15
wordas, it has also 55 secondary schools. From those six secondary schools from three Woredas were
selected based on simple random sampling methods. Three Woredas (Dera, Fogera and LiboKemkem)
were selected based on simple random sampling technique. Of them, six schools were selected using
simple random sampling techniques. Data were collected by using interview, observation and structured
questionnaire, consisting of closed ended and open-ended questions. Total sampling of respondents
was144 selected based on purposive and simple random sampling methods. The total number of
respondents from the sampling (72.9% was male and the rest of the respondents were females. The
educational backgrounds of the major respondents were BA/BSC Degree (72.2%). The data was
analyzed by using SPSS Viersen 20 through descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and
frequency/percentages. Then implementation of planning, selection, purchasing and controlling
educational materials performed at lower level. There for there is ample problem on educational
material management and utilization. The result showed that planning of educational materials like
budget preparation, involvement of users in the planning, purchased in term of time and need
assessments were low achievement. Therefore, success of planning educationalmaterial from the
sampling schools was lower. The result showed that quality of purchased educational materials implies
that the majority (78.5%) (X=1.5) the respondents replied that quality of purchased materials in these
schools is poor. In general educational material management functions of planning, purchasing,
inventory control were not well done. So the education sector should be facilitating professional training
for the school community is demanded if success is to be achieved in the area of educational material
management and utilization. The researcher suggested from this research finding, the government should
be used modern technology support system and well organized store for education material like Kaizen,
laboratory and ICT class room. Secondary schools management should be planned with stakeholder for
proper storage and maintain educational materials permanently. Furthermore, the teachers, students
and members of the school community should develop sense of belongingness on the utilization of
educational materials. The school should work with stakeholders (School society) to achieve optimal
productivity and efficiency in the area of educational materials management.
Keyword: assessment, utilization