When the population growth of a nation does not match with the socio-economic development, it
crates burden for the overall development, and reduce the country’s ability to improve the lives
of the citizen. ...
The measurement of economic values provided by historic/cultural heritage has increasingly been
recognized as a fundamental part of cultural heritage policy, and it is increasingly being considered
in the policies of ...
Adane Tuffa Debela; Adugna Lemi; Atsedeweyn A. Asrat and Olusanya E. Olubusoye; Naill Kishtany and Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse(2009-12-16)
The argument for promoting cash crops in developing countries has generally been based on their contribution to small farmer incomes and their impact on other household activities such as household crop production through ...
The main objective of this research was to uncover the major stylistic features used in Daniel
Kibret’s selected essays in TeterochenaLeloch and YehuletHawultochWegenaLeloch. The
targeted essays were selected ...
The present study attempts to examine the demand for children, identify the determinants of
demand for children in Gondar city at household level. Demand for children refers to the
number of children a couple is willing ...
Climate change has various impacts on agricultural sector of countries particularly for those
countries whose economies highly depend on agriculture and has low adaptive capacities.
Ethiopian agriculture is ...
This study has explored the characteristics and pattern of seasonal out-migration in study
districts, assessed determinant factors of participation in seasonal out-migration and examined
the income contribution ...
Climate change has various impacts on agricultural sector of countries particularly for those
countries whose economies highly depend on agriculture and has low adaptive capacities.
Ethiopian agriculture is ...
This study investigates the causes of changes in public expenditure as well as its role in the economic growth of Ethiopia. In order to achieve the stated objectives, i.e., the determinants of public expenditure and their ...
In Ethiopia, among other things, the low level of domestic saving, which is reflected in the
large resource gap is one of the fundamental problems hampering production, productivityand income of the people. Since impact ...
In Ethiopia, among other things, the low level of domestic saving, which is reflected in the
large resource gap is one of the fundamental problems hampering production, productivity,
and income of the people. Since impact ...
The main objective of this study is the impact of productive safety net program (PSNP) on
household asset creation in janamora woreda. Both primary and secondary data are used
for this study. The primary data are ...