Sewhareg, Getenet(Journal of Exclusive Management Science, 2017-08-01)
CRM is a sound business strategy to identify the hotel more profitable by devoting time and attention to expand account relationships with customers through individualized marketing, re-pricing, discretionary decision ...
Emotional marketing for gaining competitive advantage and emotional association between the product and the customers has been tremendously employed by the companies is trending today. Several companies pertaining to Fast ...
CSR, being focused more on customers and other related communities has generated a gap in finding and perceiving the business advantages by its own employees. The main objective of the study is to examine the perceived ...
The relationships that a business has with the society have been discussed by several scholars for decades in the context of corporate social responsibility and stakeholder theory. The idea of stakeholder as a central ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the status of CSR in Ethiopia and provide
recommendations about the role of Ethiopian Government to support a CSR agenda and
intervention policy to address social challenges. ...
DR K.Venugopal , B. Rajesh ,DR Mulugeta Negash ,Aschalew Adane Brhanu(2016-06-22)
Golden era is seldom illustrated for an epitomized growth of anything for a tenure and India
having been topped the list in the consumption of gold, cannot be proved to be safer for the
economic turmoil is ahead with ...
Hotel business is a seasonal sector because of many factors. This study is conducted with the
objectives of identifying the factors of tourist hotels seasonality, challenges &marketing strategies to deal
with seasonality, ...
The importance of marketing skill to Tourism industry is increasingly seen as a viable development
strategy to promote for sustainable economy in an effective way to counter declining tourism incomes
especially in the ...
The objective of this paper was assessing service quality and tourists‟ perception in tourists‟ standard
hotel in Gondar town, one of the best tourist destinations in Amhara National Regional State & in
Ethiopia, where ...
Dr. Mulugeta Negash Assistant Professor, Mr. Achenif Adamu(2017-02-08)
The population growth and economic development of Ethiopia
contribute for huge demand to health care services in general and
pharmaceutical products in particular. There are various local and
global players in Ethiopian ...
Mulugeta Negash, Tesfaye Gedion and Asnake Tsegay(2017-03-31)
The study was done in Ethiopia three cities. The success of any business is highly dependent on
getting and maintaining customers. Many firms try to sphere their operations aiming customers
through measuring customers’ ...
MS. Zemenay Yeneneh, Dr. Mulugeta Negash and Mr. Aschalew Adane(2018-02-02)
The banking industry is undertaking extensive promotional activities to attain customers’ preference. The competition in Ethiopian banks is paramount and commercial banks in the country surpassed eighteen from five banks ...
The development of a country mainly depends on the performances and structure of manufacturing sector. Developing countries like Ethiopia face a lot of challenges to market its products in line with the formulation and ...
Negash, Dr. Mulugeta; Venu Gopal, **Prof. Koppala; Asmare, ***Mr. Solomon(2010-11-10)
Ethiopian non-life insurance gross premium for the past 10 years has grown on average of 20.74% that doubles the economic growth of the country. Although the sector growth is rapid, penetration rate and density of insurance ...
Yeneneh, MS. Zemenay; Negash2, Dr. Mulugeta; Adane, Mr. Aschalew(2010-10-13)
The banking industry is undertaking extensive promotional activities to attain customers’ preference. The competition in Ethiopian banks is paramount and commercial banks in the country surpassed eighteen from five banks ...
The development of a country mainly depends on the performances and structure of manufacturing sector. Developing countries like Ethiopia face a lot of challenges to market its products in line with the formulation and ...