Working capital plays a vital role in the company’s operations and requires the efficient management
and it concerns the management of cash, inventories, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. It is
necessary for a ...
This study investigated main determinants of commercial banks’ lending behavior in Ethiopian context by using panel data of eight banks over the period 2004 to 2013. It tested and confirmed the impact of internal and ...
Microfinance is small scale financial services - primarily credit and saving services provided to
people who operate small enterprises. Microfinance has dual mission that is to improve the lives
of its customers and at ...
The problem of the study shows that various banks suffer from many types of banking risk.
This has significantly affected banks’ profits. The main aim of the study was to identify the
determinant factors of credit risk ...
VAT is a tax not on the whole value of products sold or services rendered however only on the incremental value or newly created value by the last vender. The study aims to assess factors affecting effectiveness of VAT ...
Profitability of commercial banks is vital for sustained growth of national economies;
profitability let commercial banks stimulate and feed investments; have strong financial position
and sustainable business. One aspect ...
The main objective of the study is to examine the role of micro finances performance on poverty
reduction, the case of ACSI Gondar city administration. To achieve this objective the researcher
used primary and secondary ...
The main objective of this study was to examine major determinants of loan repayment performance in ACSI Jawi branch. To successfully achieve the objectives, relevant primary data were collected from 168 sample borrowers ...
Management of working capital refers to management of current assets and current liabilities. Thus, in order to maintain healthy business, managers involve in trade-off decisions between profitability and liquidity. In ...
Dividend decision policy is one of the most important financial policies to companies as it affects
shareholders, consumers, workers, regulators, governments, growth rate of the firm, its credit
standing, share prices ...
Financial institutions have emphasized risk management as an essential element of long-term success. Hence, management and regulators now focus on an organization’s ability to identify and manage future risks Rather than ...
Tax Audit is essential for revenue authority and auditee as a whole to improve their efficiency and effectiveness through constructive criticism based on the audit finding. General objective of the study is to investigate ...
Insurance business now a day plays a significant role in the growth of the financial services which ultimately leads to the overall success of the economy. This paper examined the effects of firm- specific factors (firm ...
The establishment of IA function is important as an essential internal assurance mechanism in public universities internal controls and as a tool for monitoring and evaluating financial management activities in public ...
The purpose of this study is explicitly identified the Factors Affecting Private Investment
Activities in Genda wuha city administration. Descriptive type of research design has been
employed to address the research ...
The main objective of the study was to assess accounting information system practices and
performances of selected commercial banks: in the case of Gondar city administration. The study used
cross sectional survey design. ...
As the different literatures shows corporate governance has significant impact on both the firm performance and stockholder interests for this reason it’s essential to have understanding of those corporate governance factors ...
With the latest global economic meltdown and the increasing fraud cases, the internal audit functions are becoming vital in both private and public sectors. With respect to public sectors, the core objective of internal ...