Background: Depression among reproductive age women is a serious and common
disorder that can compromise woman抯 health, reduce their quality of life and functional
status and may negatively impact pregnancy outcomes. ...
Background: In Ethiopia, the three biggest causes of neonatal death are preterm delivery,
complications of presumptive birth asphyxia, and infection. According to 2014 mini-DHS
results newborns constitute 43 percent of ...
Background: Sexual dysfunction is the commonest reproductive health problem seen
among men抯 with diabetes which has different health and social consequences. Even
though there were few studies conducted most of them ...
Background: Worldwide, 9 out of 10 women want to avoid pregnancy for 2 years after
having a baby. However, the absence of priority for birth spacing and lower uptake of
postpartum modern contraceptive results in poor ...
Background: Birth asphyxia is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in
neonates. Although several preventive measures have been put in place in various health
institutions across Ethiopia, newborn ...
Introduction: The first birth is the most significant events in a woman's life that
indicates the beginning of undertaking the intensive responsibilities of motherhood
and childcare. Age at first birth has health, economic ...
Introduction: Globally, respiratory distress is one of the main causes of neonatal morbidity and
mortality. It is a serious problem in developing countries like Ethiopia that have limited resource
setting. Its recovery ...
Introduction: Antenatal care is comprehensive care that pregnant mothers obtained
from organized health services to maintain best health of the mother throughout the
pregnancy. Client satisfaction in antenatal care is ...
Background: - Providing compassionate and respectful maternity care services
during laboring mothers are one of the most important interventions to ensure
survival of women. However Compassionate and respectful maternity ...
Introduction: Effective breastfeeding technique is one of the best and cost-effective ways of
promoting exclusive breastfeeding practice that prevents childhood malnutrition, morbidity and
mortality. Despite the immense ...
Background:- Menstrual hygiene management
Variables with p< 0.25 in bi-variable analysis were fitted in to the multivariable logistic
regression model. Multi-collinearity was checked using tolerances and variances inflation ...
Background: Globally, cervical cancer is one of the most common forms of carcinoma
among women, leading high morbidity and mortality. Ethiopia launched the human papilloma
for the first time, with the support ...
Background: Ethiopia is the second most populous country next to Nigeria in subSaharan
country. Utilization of effective and convenient family planning methods in
countries with high birth rates and limited resources have ...
Introduction: Post-natal care is the care given during the period just after delivery of
placenta extending through six weeks of life. Globally, there were an estimated 289 000
maternal deaths from complications related ...
Introduction: Women who take antiretroviral therapy high in number and the current
antiretroviral therapy scale up in Ethiopia give the chance of living longer for women,
considering the issue of fertility is important ...
Introduction: Pelvic organ prolapse is one of a major cause of morbidity among women
which affect their quality of life by restricting physical, social, psychological and sexual
functioning. Despite the severity of the ...
Background: -Vaginal birth after caesarean section is appropriate for a majority of
women who have had one prior lower segment caesarean section. However, little is
known about vaginal birth after caesarean section in ...
INTRODUCTION:-Utilization of reproductive health services is an important component in
preventing adolescents from different sexual and reproductive health problems. Poor
reproductive health service utilization leads to ...
Background: - Low Birth Weight
giving live birth in public health facilities of Gondar city
Methods: An institution based cross-sectional study was conducted at public health facilities of
Gondar city. Total of746 women ...
Background: Danger signs in the neonatal period are non specific and could be a manifestation
of almost any new born disease. Early recognition of these signs by mothers is a pre-request for
increasing neonatal care seeking ...