Introduction: Women who take antiretroviral therapy high in number and the current
antiretroviral therapy scale up in Ethiopia give the chance of living longer for women,
considering the issue of fertility is important prevention services provided to positive
women as well as new born.
Therefore aim of this study was to assess fertility desire and associated factors among
ART user reproductive age women in public health facility in Gondar city administration
Northwest Ethiopia.
Methods: A facility based cross-sectional study design conducted among ART user?s
reproductive age women from Nov1-31/2018. The calculated sample size was 400 and
study participants were selected by using systematic random sampling. A pre- tested
structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Bivariate and multivariable logistic
regression model was employed and 95% confidence interval with adjusted odds ratio
used to consider statistically significant
Results: A total of 397 clients were included in the study, giving 99.3% response rate.
The proportion of fertility desire 55.2%(95% CI, 50.4%, 60.2%), duration of marriage < 4
year [AOR=6.9(95 CI: 1.65, 28.81)], and 5�years duration of marriage [AOR = 13.8
(95% CI: 2.39, 80.39)] higher as compared to 15 years and above , family influence
[AOR = 3.4 (95% CI: 1.06, 11.25)]more desire than those not facing family influence,
partner desire [AOR = 4.3 (95% CI: 1.93,9.41)] had fertility desires as compared to with
those with no partner influence and discussion with health care provider by 66 %
[AOR = 0.34 (95% CI: 0.39, 3.31)] less likely desire as compared to those women not
discussed to health care provider.
Conclusion: In this study high proportion of women on ART desire for fertility. Duration
of marital status or relationship, partner influence, and family influence were associated
with fertility desire and discussion of health care provider was negatively associated
with fertility desire.
Recommendation: Family oriented counseling, partner involvement on reproductive
health services should be encouraged to support the rights of all women to safely
achieve their fertility.
Key term: Fertility desire, reproductive age, women on ART.