The 1995 FDRE Constitution establishedethnic federalism and restructured the regions along
ethnic linguistic lines. Thus theconstitution has given much protection to nation, nationality and people
of Ethiopia to have the ...
The 1995 FDRE Constitution established an ethnic based federal state structure. Accordingly
the constitutionrecognized the right to self-determination as given to all Nations, Nationalities and
Peoples of Ethiopia to ...
It has become an undeniable truth that the wealth of the nation depends more on its people,
management and government, than on its natural resources. 61 finance staffs and 3 key informants are
considered for investigation. ...
Gondar town has been through a problem of sustainable potable water supply in the past ten years.
Even if the modern water supply system was installed since 1930’s and has been expanding its service in
the coming years, ...
Commonly, employing violent force and retaliation are conceived as irrational and uncivilized
waysof human existence. Thus, they are considered as morally wrong acts. But, under certain
conditions, employing violent force ...
Conflict often happen at work places. This study aimed at assessing the nature of
conflict and conflict resolution mechanism at work places in Gondar town. The study has other
specific objectives of assessing the causes ...
The provision of foreign aid began after the Second World War, when the US marshal plan was
announced in 1947 and involved the provision of funds for the reconstruction of war torn Europe. The
economic objectives of ...
The list of enumerated fundamental rights and freedoms in the current Ethiopian Constitution
is progressive and impressive. One-third of the Constitution is devoted to the recognition and
protection of human rights. The ...
Gender violence is a day-to-day tragedy around the world. Many females, both children and
adults, have suffered a great deal from different acts of violence because of their sex. Rape, beating,
female genital mutilation ...
Community policing is a paradigm shift established at the bedrock of community partnership in
creating safe and secure environment for all.This paper sort to shade light on the role of community
policing in conflict ...
The notion of Ethiopia as the land of Prester John inspired the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Ethiopian orthodox church theologian initial contacts with the Jesuits led to the critical period for the 17th century ...
Ethiopia and Sudan are neighbouring countries in the Horn of Africa which have strategic geographical setting and also shared extended boundary. Metema called Galabat to the Sudanese and Galabat called Metema to Ethiopians ...
Tewodros Abuhay Meretu, Bitwoded Admasu Dagnew, Demeke Desta Dana(2020-01-01)
The main objective of this study was to assess the practice and challenges of good governance at Hawassa city municipality. The study employed mixed research approach and cross-sectional research design. Accidental and ...
This study examined the impacts of Ribb irrigation reservoir development project on the induced
displaced local households. It emphasized on assessing of the socio-economic challenges and
opportunities of development ...
Police cannot succeed to combat crime without the support of community and
stakeholders. Though community participation is very crucial to achieve the desired
effective crime combating and improve challenges to combat ...
This study is conducted on challenges and effectiveness of FTC in rural-development policy: The
case of Jibat Woreda. Even though some researches were conducted on challenges and
effectiveness in different FTC of our ...
This thesis seeks to assess the challenges of the right to live and work on safe and healthy
environment of workers in Oromia regional state of Ethiopia: particularly the case of Di-Yuan
ceramic manufacturing industry ...
This thesis deals with to examine the Socio-economic Effects of Large scale Plantation on Local
Community: The Case of Wonji Shoa Sugar plantation, Eastern Oromia Region. The study was
conducted with the general objective ...