The main purpose of this study was to test the relationship between principal instructional
leadership and student‟s academic achievement in secondary schools of Tach Armachiho Woreda.
The researcher applied correlational research design to achieve the purpose of the study. The
target Population of the study was 72 teachers, 1512 students from the sample of 2 secondary
schools. The Sample of study was 61(85%) teachers and, 316 (21%) students were selected to be
the participants. Teachers and students were selected stratified random sampling. To obtain
relevant data for the study quantitative data gathering instruments were used. Accordingly,
questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively. Questionnaire and average national examination were
central sources of this study. The data were collected by using a questionnaire for teachers and
students with the researcher‟s document analysis in grade 10
students‟ average national
examination (2010 and 2011 E.C). Data obtained through questionnaire were analyzed and
summarized using frequency and percentage. Statistical measures were performed on quantitative
data assembled from the respondents; frequency and Percentage, were conducted. The researcher
Collect data was code and entered in the computer for analysis using SPSS version 25.
Correlations were established using Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The result of this study
shows that was a weak positive relationship between the principals instructional leadership and
students‟ academic achievement (r=0.245, p<.01). Democratic leadership style was better rather
than other leadership styles. Autocratic leadership style was very weak positive relationship
between principal‟s instructional leadership and students‟ academic achievement (r=0.211,
p<0.01) and also laissez-faire leadership style was very weak positive relationship between
principal‟s instructional leadership and students‟ academic achievement (r= 0.217, p<0.01).
Therefore, democratic Leadership styles more positively associated with students „academic
achievement (r=0.323
, p<.01).