
The Practices and Challenges of School Based Supervision in General Secondary Schools of Welkait Wereda

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dc.contributor.author Mohammednur siraj
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-18T10:07:49Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-18T10:07:49Z
dc.date.issued 19-09-28
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2678
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the Practices and Challenges of School Based Supervision in general secondary schools of Welkiat wereda. For this study, descriptive design was employed. By using random sampling technique, 4 general Secondary Schools were selected among the 6 General secondary schools of the wereda. The researcher determined to include 50 teachers as total sample of teachers from the total population of teachers who were found in the 4 general Secondary Schools And the sample of teachers from each school were selected by using stratified random sampling technique. Finally the researcher employed simple random sampling technique to select teachers from each school. 23 school based supervisors (4principals, 4 vice principals and 15 head of departments) were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Besides to these, 2 wereda supervision coordinators were included purposively. The main data gathering instruments of the study was questionnaire. Interview and document analysis were also made to enrich the quantitative data. The quantitative data collected through the closed ended questionnaire was analyzed by using mean scores, standard deviation using SPSS version 21. The data gathered through the interview and document analyses were discussed by narrating in words in line with questionnaire. Consequently, from the study it was found that there was no practice of peer coaching among the teachers; the study has confirmed that pre and post class room observation conference were made with each teacher. It was also found that the respondents are uncertain that the supervisory practices are jointly carried out by the school principal, vice principal, department heads, senior teachers and parents. With regard to the support of the School based supervisors, the study revealed that school based supervisors were not efficient in assisting teachers in conducting required regular meetings with teachers ,in organizing conferences and training programs at the school level. With regard the understanding of teachers towards SBS, the study found that teachers in general secondary schools had limited understanding about the significance and purpose of school-based supervision. Beside to these the results of the study discovered that school-based supervision was negatively affected by many major problems such as; the incapability of school-based supervisors, the absence of inservice training programs to update supervisors, non-availability of supervision manual at school and an insufficient allocation budget to carry out supervisory activities. Finally, to minimize and if possible to mitigate the problems, the following recommendations were drawn. For the effective implementation of SBS practice, it is advisable for the school based supervisors to create an opportunity for teachers by implementing various supervisory practices in relation to the individual teachers‟ developmental levels; it is suggested that the school principals should make strong efforts to improve the capacity of supervisors by conducting regular meetings with supervisors and teachers; creating an opportunity for experience sharing among the departments. Moreover, it is suggested that the wereda education office with collaboration regional education bureau Offices should give attention to allocate enough budget and supervision manuals to support the supervision practices. In general, it can be concluded that the supervisory practices were not appropriately carried out in the study area. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title The Practices and Challenges of School Based Supervision in General Secondary Schools of Welkait Wereda en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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