dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to identify whether theImplementation of School-BasedSupervision
and Supervisory Behaviors are implemented properly in secondary and preparatory schools of
Bahir Dar town city administration. To this end, a descriptive survey research design was
usedfor the study and both quantitative and qualitative research method approaches were used
fordata gathering. Data were gathered from 8 secondaryand preparatory schools. The sample
size of thestudy were 59 teachers, 17 school directors and vice directors, 1city education
department head, 2 teachers’ development program experts, 2education Inspection work
process experts and 5cluster center school supervisors. Data collection instruments were
questionnaire, interview anddocument analysis. The data gathered through close ended
questionnaires were analyzed using,percentage, mean and t-test result. Open ended questions,
interview and document analysis werediscussed using narrative description which is qualitative
method of analysis. The major findingsof the study indicated that majority of respondent
teachers’ reported that supervisors were notimplementing principles of educational supervision
and they lack supervisory behaviors andsupervisory leadership skills. Based on the findings, it
can be concluded that supervisory servicerendered to facilitate teaching- learning process was
not encouraging; supervisors did notproperly follow the principles of educational supervision.
School- based supervisors wereineffective in supervisory behaviors. Finally, it is possible to
recommend that school- basedsupervisors should follow and exercise principles of educational
supervision in the school level.
They should exercise supervisory leadership skills. Amhara EducationBureau also should revise
the documents related to supervisory activities. |
en_US |