The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of distributed leadership on teachers
commitment in sekela woreda government secondary schools. The study was carried out using
descriptive and correlation research design and employed both qualitative and quantitative
approach. Data was collected from 4 government secondary schools using questionnaire,
interviews and focus group discussion. The participants include 91 teachers,4 school principals
and 1 cluster supervisor. The teacher respondents were selected using simple random sampling
technique and school principals’ and supervisor were also selected using available sampling
technique. Structured questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data and Interview and
focus group discussion also use to obtain in-depth (qualitative) information on a number of
selected issues. The quantitative data was analyzed using a relevant statistical package SPSS .
One sample t-test was computed to distinguish the significance difference between mean scores.
Pearson product- moment correlation coefficient analysis was used to determine the relation
between variables. The finding of the study revealed that, the perception of teachers was high
towards the practice of school principals distributive leadership in the schools and the
leadership task is distributed to the staff members to the extent that staff members set directions,
develop people, redesign the organization and manage instructional programs. Despite their
practice the leadership role that teachers and school principals played are clearly defined but
not communicated. The school principals did not encourage informal distributive leadership.
The school principals have used both group and individual empowerment techniques to
strengthen distributive leadership. But not used reward as an empowerment mechanism. The
study shows that there is significant strong positive relationship between the practice of
principal's distributive leadership and the teacher's commitment in the school under study.
Finally, the researcher recommends that the school principals should have to distribute the
leadership tasks both formally and informally i.e. informal distributive leadership, should have
to communicate the leadership roles that principals and teachers play in the school to the whole
staff members, should have to use reward to strengthen distributive leadership and Build
instructional knowledge and skills, create opportunities for collaboration, involve teachers in
school decision making, interpret results and provide feedback to sustain teachers commitment
in the school.