dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the practices and challenges of financial
management in secondary schools of Womberma woreda. Due to this the specific objectives of
the study are identify the extent that school financial management is practiced as per the rule
and principles in secondary schools of Womberma woreda. Investigate the major problems of
school financial management in secondary schools of Womberma Woreda. Identify possible
solutions to promote financial management efficiency in secondary schools of Womberma
woreda..Descriptive survey design was employed with both qualitative and quantitative data
analysis approaches. Questionnaire, interview and document analysis were used for data
collection tool. For this particular study, out of 4 secondary schools 4(100%) sample schools
were selected by comprehensive sampling method and 64 teachers have been selected by
stratified random sampling method and 7 principals, 1 supervisor,2 woreda finance auditors and
30 PTA were selected as a sample by comprehensive sampling method. Frequency and
percentage were used for data analysis. The main finding of the study were revealed that lack of
stake holder participation in different school financial management issues, lack of clear
financial guide lines, lack of school financial transparency and financial management skills.
Hence, it is possible to conclude that the above mentioned challenges have affected the efficiency
of school financial management in secondary schools of Womberma Woreda. To minimize these
challenges it is recommendable that the Woreda Education Office and Worda Finance and
Economy Development Office work together to give training to develop professional
qualification for principals and supervisors and also distribute clear financial guide lines to
reduce poorly managing school finance and also schools to ensure school financial
transparency. On the other hand Woreda Education Office experts, school principals and
supervisor should have been responsible to ensure stake holders participation in the school
because it reduces misappropriation |
en_US |