dc.description.abstract |
The study was aimed at on the causes of conflict and their outcomes between secondary school
teachers and woreda Education office in Banja woreda .To this study comprehensive sampling
method was employed to gather the required data from the whole population in this issue related
to the research and the approach is mixed model i,e both quantitative and qualitative. The target
population of the study were all Banja woreda secondary school teachers and woreda Education
office. Therefore three(3) schools were included in addition all woreda`s secondary school
teachers and experts 115 and 19 respectively became part of the study through comprehensive or
available sampling. Questionnaire was prepared and administered. Besides non-structured
interview was prepared and conducted to 3 schools of five principals including vice principals of
schools .Questionnaire, interview and document analysis were used to data collection
instruments. Data were analyzed using spss in the forms of percentage, means, and standard
deviation. Major causes of conflict were communication difference, Structural and personal
difference between secondary school teachers and woreda education office Having a knowledge
about source of conflicts and to manage it properly the Banja woreda education office should
give orientation regarding the nature of conflict ,the sources of conflict ,how to manage and
resolve it. The difference in period distribution from woreda to woreda , the lack of transparency
and clarity of criteria in implementing incentives and rewards had great impact on the
effectiveness of teachers and performance of students From the results of this study it is possible
to conclude that lack of available resource, unfair period distribution, problems in implementing
rewards were major causes for conflicts .Therefore, it is recommended that teachers are back
bone of the organization, the education office with the school principals could make clear about
their responsibilities rules and regulations. The findings then explained based on the sources of
conflict and their outcomes between secondary school teachers and woreda education office and
the measures that should be taken to minimize and resolve conflict .In addition Banja woreda
secondary schools should work in collaboration with the community to solve the problem. |
en_US |