dc.description.abstract |
Assessing the practice and challenges impeding teachers from conducting CPD implementation
in selected secondary schools of Quarit woreda was the major purpose of the study. To this end,
descriptive research design involving both quantitative and qualitative approaches was
employed. The total population of the study comprises 4
principals,2superviser,8CPDcoordinater,12departement head,34teachers,50students and
2woredaeducationofficeexperinQuarit woreda secondary schools. The data gathering tools
employed was questionnaire,documents and interviews. The participants of interview was
principals, Continuous Professional Development facilitators, cluster supervisors, woreda
education office experts. Questionnaire will administered to teachers them will properly filled
and returned. Then, the information gathered through closed-ended questionnaire was analyzed
using mean while the data gathered through interview and open-ended questions were narrated
qualitatively. Results of the document analysis was also described. The findings indicated that
the extent to which teachers engagement in professional development activities such as
mentoring, portfolio development, the overall successes and failures of the implementation
processes was inadequately implemented. The school principals, professional development
facilitators, senior teachers, woreda education office experts will providing insufficient support
for the teachers. The major challenges identified lack of training, lack of action research, lack of
fulfilling Continuous Professional Development materials, lack of trained facilitators,
insufficiency of supports provided for teachers growth, insufficient allocation of budget, lack of
peer coaching and peer evaluation, and absence of induction program, will identified by this
research as the serious challenges of Continuous Professional Development realization in
secondary schools of Quarit |
en_US |