Assessing the practice and factors impeding teachers from conducting action research in
selected secondary schools of Jabi-Tehinan woreda was the major purpose of the study. To this
end, descriptive research design involving both quantitative and qualitative approaches was
employed. The total population of the study comprises 3 principals and teachers Jabi-Tehinan
woreda secondary schools. Teachers, principals and woreda education office were data sources
for this study. To collect the data, a questionnaire, semi-structured interview and document
analysis were used.. Thus, this statistics implies that teachers’ poor understanding, time pressure
due employed to analyze the collected data research. The t value to work load, lack of the
required knowledge and skills on the part of principals and teachers, lack of adequate resource,
inadequate awareness about action research, and inadequate incentives available for teacher
researchers as the most severe challenges. The data obtained during the interviews and
documents indicated that these factors were identified as the most severe constraints that faced
teachers. Based on the findings of this thesis, the researcher concluded that due to lack of the
required knowledge and skills on the part of principals and teachers, time pressure, lack of
adequate resource, inadequate awareness about action research, and inadequate incentives
available for teacher researchers and other related factors, the involvement of teachers in the
task of action research was very limited and inadequate. Therefore, the woreda education office
needs to provide adequate trainings for school leaders and teachers to develop their knowledge
and skills of conducting action research tasks. The woreda education experts should to support
and motivate teachers to conduct action research activities. The school together with the nearby
universities should provide training, seminars and work-shop programs for teachers to ensure a
good understanding and adequate skills about action research activities