The purpose of this study was to assess the instructional leadership practice in building
positive school culture in government secondary schools of Bahir dar. The study employed
descriptive survey design and a mixed method approach to collect and analyse data. Sample
of the schools and study participants were drawn five selected schools Zeguie, Mesehentie,
Diasphora, Ethio-Japan and Tisabay using simple random sampling techniques. Self
developed questioners were employed as the main data collection instrument in addition to
interview and document analysis. Qualitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics
tools such as percentage, mean and Standard deviation. Qualitative data were analysed by
using narration. The outcome of the study suggested that lack of knowledge and skills,
readiness to change lack of communication were the challenges of instructional leader ship
in building positive school culture in the study. In this case most of selected schools are not
good and attractive. Based on this, it was recommended that the regional education Biro and
Bahir Dar administration zone education office should take appropriate measures including
reducing principals’’ work load, allocate appropriate budget, providing training and
principals should be applied on the basis of exercise and merit.