The study examined teachers` perceptions and practices of continuous assessment in Oromo
nation zones. The participants of the study were 128 teachers, 678 students, and 12 school
principals in senbete senior secondary and preparatory, Dawe-Harewa senior secondary and
preparatory school, weladi senior secondary and preparatory school, kemisie senior secondary
and kemisie preparatory school. Different instruments that include Questionnaires, Interviews,
Observations and Document analysis were used to gather data. Teachers perception of
continuous assessment with respect to age, qualification, teaching experience and teaching load
were analyze using descriptive statistics and one way ANOVA from this finding there is no
statistically significance difference for age, Educational qualification, and teaching experience
about perception of continuous assessment. The Mann-Whitney U test was applied. Here,
compare and contrast was done in relation to different assessment tools used by the teachers.
Based on these findings, it was concluded that the Oromo zone teachers were not used different
assessment method and techniques of continuous assessment in their Schools.
Finally, it was recommended that the principals and zone education office should frequently
organize workshop and seminars for serving teachers on the perception and practice of
continuous assessment in their schools.