The general objective of this study was to examine factors influencing teachers’ motivation and job
performance in government secondary schools in Dangur Woreda on Benishangul Gumuz
Regional State. Specifically, the study sought to examine factors of motivation that can lead to
teacher’s job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in government secondary schools, assess factors of
motivationto document suggestions for improving teacher’s motivation and job satisfaction. The
study employed a descriptive survey research design, which enabled the researcher to describe the
present status of the problem under study. The researcher used comprehensive (available)
samplings because of the number of respondents’ were less in number. Research techniques
employed to collect data from respondents were questionnaire and interview for teachers and
principals respectively. The sample consisted of 59 respondents'; from those, 56 of questionnaire
respondents’ were teachers, while others of interview respondents’ were 2 principals and 1viceprincipal were selected from Manbuk secondary and preparatory school, Belaya secondary school
and Gublak secondary school in the Woreda. The quantitative data gathered from respondents
were analyzed in a descriptive statistics by using tables, numbers and percentages, while the
qualitative data was analyzed through narration. The findings of the study show that motivation of
teachers in the Dangur Woreda was affected by factors related to; the economic status of teachers,
the working condition, the principals leadership styles, the behaviorof students’ in the school, the
examination stress and reward and also the will of teachers count in their professions. Based on
the findings, the study recommends inter alia that the government should improve teachers’
payment salaries, provided rent and transport allowances as well as improve working
condition.The government should also review policies on secondary education for example by
making teachers participate and have a say on matters regarding the management and the delivery
of secondary education including teachers personal development. In addition to the government,
the school principals should improve a positive respect and relations with teachers, consult
teachers in a decision making process as well as also improve a strategies to create a good
working condition for the teachers motivation and job satisfaction.