The main purpose of this study was to investigate the. Practices and challenges of school
principals in participative decision-making process in some selected public secondary schools
in the case of Melo Koza Woreda. The research method employed in the study was both
quantitative and qualitative approach and descriptive survey research design was used. The
sampling technique used to select sample teachers was simple random sampling method,
principals and unit leaders were selected through purposive sampling technique whereas PTA,
supervisors and town administration education office experts were selected through their
availability. The sample population of the study was 87 teachers, 12principals, 16 unit leaders,
1 woreda education office head and 2 cluster supervisors with the total of 16 participants out
of 164 study populations. The data gathering tools employed ware questionnaires, focus group
discussion, and interview and document analysis. Closed-ended questionnaires were
administered to 115participants. Moreover, the open ended questions that support the responses
given to the closed ended questionnaires were provided to the selected 2 cluster Supervisors,
28PTAmembers and 1 woreda education office head. Then, the information gathered through
the questionnaire was analyzed using non inferential statistics independent t-test, frequency, SD,
and mean score. The study findings indicated the school principal’s effort in order to achieve
school goals by practicing participative decision-making process was found low; it was found
that PTAs rarely make sound decisions in schools (most cases in disciplinary and budget
allocating ones); the school principal’s cooperation along with parents and community in order
to involve them in decision making process was less. The challenges that were affecting the
practice of a participative decision-making process in the school include less parent
involvement in the school, learners’ low average level attainment, limitation in resource, the
existence of discipline problems, excessive work load. Thus, the study recommended that the
school principals need to have involve the stake holders in the whole school activities in order
to strengthen the school community relationship and to promote best practice in school
leadership; the school principals should see decision making as one part of a large package of
reform to bring changes on the students’ academic performance and for best school productivity.