The purpose of this study was the principals’ leadership behavior on the teachers’ job
satisfaction in the public secondary schools of Melo koza woreda. To conduct the study both
qualitative and quantitative research approaches and descriptive method was employed. The
design employed to conduct this study was conducted in four public secondary schools of the
woreda involving 115 questionnaire respondents (from those 87 were teachers, 12 school
principals and 16 department heads) and 10 interviewees. The purposive and simple random
sampling techniques were employed to select schools and respondents respectively. The major
data collecting tools for this study was questionnaire in addition an interview, document analysis
and FGD were used to collect data. Mean, standard deviation, percentage and the independent
t-test in order to compare the mean difference of the responses were used to analyze the data
obtained. The qualitative data analyses through interview 2 (supervisors,1&1woreda education
office)focus group desiccation (PTA 15) Total 17 respondents was respectively.
The major findings of the study revealed that the principal leadership practices were not
in congruent with the needs and expectations of teachers and so that teachers were not satisfied
in their school leadership practice. Mechanisms suggested to alleviate the problems were:
assigning principals who have been trained in educational planning and management or post
graduate diploma in school leadership as well as provision of additional trainings for newly
assigned principals in the woreda were some of the recommendations put forward by the