This study was endeavored to examine teachers’ implementation of teachers’ continuous
professional development. In this study descriptive and survey design with both quantitative and
qualitative approach was used .Based on the research title related review literature were
gathered. In doing so, data was collected from five secondary school teachers of Bahir dar City.
A total of 184 teachers, five principals, five school coordinators and three cluster supervisors
were included as samples of the study. Simple random sampling technique was employed to
select teachers. Questionnaire, interview and document analysis were used as data collection
instruments. Percentage, frequency, mean value and One sample t-test were employed to analyze
the data gathered through the questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that teachers
have performed to the expected level of continuous professional development implementation
only on the analysis of prior conditions and planning of continuous professional development
activities. However, teachers have not performed continuous professional development
regarding actually putting the lessons drawn from continuous professional development ,
evaluating continuous professional development results, Teachers have also reported that they
have no getting adequate support from principals, continuous professional development
facilitators, Cluster and zone supervisors. Besides, teachers have indicated that their continuous
professional development implementation is full of challenges. From the results of this study it is
possible to conclude that continuous professional development is not implemented as expected to
be in five secondary schools of Bahir dar City. Therefore, it is recommended that there should be
continuous support, follow up, teachers should participate in evaluating program and awareness
creation training for teachers until strong value system and convictions would be created about
the program. In addition, Bahir dar city Administration Secondary Schools should work in
collaboration with community and other concerned bodies to solve the problem.