The main purpose of this study was to assess managing financial and physical resources in secondary
schools in Lay Armacho woreda in north Gander Zone . Descriptive survey design supplemented by
some qualitative data was employed. One education head and three members, three principals, thirtysix
KETB members and fifteen PTA members were included in the study. Quantitative data were
collected through questionnaires and qualitative data were collected through interviews and document
analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed using one sample t-test while the qualitative ones were
analyzed using narrative methods. The study pointed out that in managing financial resources, the
planning aspect have shown progress however ,the controlling and evaluation tasks lags behind. In
managing physical resources, there was progress in planning .However, the controlling and
evaluation aspects were poorly practiced. Furthermore, absence of guide lines; insufficient training;
lack of appropriate experience; absence of stock and safety control policy; and low participation of
SGBs were taken as challenging issues in managing school financial and physical resources,
nevertheless, poor financial planning and implementation; poor keeping of financial documentation
and recording; and poor storage system were not challenging in schools. Based on the findings of the
study, the researcher concluded that unless situations are changed the flight towards quality education
is in question. In order to improve the management of financial and physical resources, the study
recommended that the woreda education office must create good relationships with their schools to
provide support in the form of supervision, auditing and evaluation of resources utilization and
investigate their resource utilization practices and kebele educational trust board (KETB) members
are not properly guide and support schools and different physical resources are disposing in schools,
so give attention on these two areas. In schools, principals must possess their managerial skills to
provide leadership in their schools to encourage school governing bodies (SCGs) to add their efforts
in school resource management. school governing bodies must continue to work with school principals
in responsible way to improve participatory decision making over financial and physical resources at
school level.