School environment variables were found to impact students’ learning and achievement both
positively and negatively. These variables include teachers’ satisfaction, their relationship with
students, teachers’ influence on the school, collegiality, principal leadership, students’ discipline as
well as teachers’ personal character such as gender, marital status and seniority. The purpose of this
research was to examine the levels of teacher’s perception on their personal and school environment
factors in the preparatory schools of north Gondar zone. The research used descriptive survey design.
From the 29 preparatory schools, 18 schools were selected for the research purposes. From each
school, 5 senior teachers (90 teachers in total) were selected using stratified random sampling. Data
was collected with questionnaire developed by the researchers and data was analyzed using
descriptive (mean and median), and inferential (ANOVA) statistics. Findings showed that teachers
experienced unfavorable school environment leading to low satisfaction, poor teacher student
relationship, limited teachers influence, lack of collegiality, poor principal leadership and student’s
indiscipline. There were no significant differences regarding job satisfaction by gender; however
female teachers had relatively higher satisfaction scores than males. There was no significant
difference between married and single teachers on their perceptions regarding school and personal
variables. However, teachers with lower seniority had higher scores on open environment/climate, job
satisfaction, and teacher student relationships. These findings have implications for School
Improvement Program (SIP).