Dr. Mesay Desalegn, Mr. Temesgen Haile, Mr. Mohammed Endris, Mr. Daniel Agegnehu, Mr. Ali Walle, Mr. Osman Abubeker(2016-04-26)
Doping in sport has become progressively viewed as a wider social problem. Indeed, due to a growing awareness of the recreational use of performance enhancing drugs, a rise in consumption rates, and the perceived associated ...
Dr. Mesay Desalegn Zenebe, Temesigen Haile Gebru and Zenebe Techan Mulate(2016-04-24)
The aim of this study is to assess the impact of the competitive level of anxiety of the female volleyball players’ confidence and there by their success in the tournament from April 14 – 24, 2016.Quantitative cross sectional ...
Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Prof.Syed Ibrahim,Prof.L.B.Laxmikanth Rathod,(206-01-13)
Background: Chronic fatigue is a major symptom of burnout. The aim of the study was to measure three dimensions, i.e.; emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment and depersonalization of the female sports-persons.Methods: ...
The general objective of this study was aimed at an assessment on the comparative effect of
stretching exercises (Static, Dynamic and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)) on
improving upper body flexibility. ...
Introduction: The effect of resistance circuit training was important to improve physical fitness
components. The great advantage of circuit training is that depending on the exercises chosen, it
can be used to develop ...
Although physical activity brings a range of lifelong health benefits, it may also lead to injuries
that pose a significant threat to health and hinders sport performance. The aim of this study is to
investigate prevalence ...
The aim of the study was to assess the challenges of applying different teaching methodology in
physical education: The Case of Bahirdar city Administration selected preparatory school,
Amhara regional state. The study ...
The major objective of this study was assessing the role of amhara regional state Soccer clubs
management for spectators’ satisfaction. The effect to get reliable information of the issue
under study, descriptive research ...
Sports injury occurs during a sporting activity caused by overuse, direct impact, or the
application of force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand. Soccer is
usually defined as a body contact ...
The main concern of this study was assessing the contribution of youth football projects to the main
clubs in West Gojjam zone .The current study used descriptive research design with quantitative and
qualitative approach. ...
Introduction: Education is the process through which students acquire knowledge, develop skill,
change in behavior and shape personality .In addition to this education is an essential and basic
investment since it results ...
The aim of this study was to find out the effect of 12-weekplyometric training on selected fitness
variable in case of Agut U-17 males volleyball project trainees. Quasi-Experimental design was
employed to conduct this ...
The study consists of five chapters. Chapter one incorporates introduction, statement of the problem, its significance, delimitation of the study and definition of key terms. Chapter two deal with review of related literature. ...
Physical education, or P.E., is a subject taught in schools around the world. It is usually taught during primary and secondary education, and encourages psychomotor learning by using a play and movement exploration setting ...
The study was initiated to explore the perception and practice of female students towards physical
education practical classes; in selected 3 Gondar city administration high school. It attempted to assess
the level of ...