
Institute of Technology

DSpace Repository

Institute of Technology


The School of Technology was established in August 2009 in order to respond to the need for rapid industrialization and the changing societal needs of the country for sustainable development. We aim to to: produce trained manpower in the various fields of Engineering in its regular and extension programs; further, through relevant study and research, engineering capabilities of the country in line with the national development objectives; offer technical consultancy services to government offices and other state and private organizations; and provide and expedite appropriate training programs to government and private employees with the view to upgrading and updating their skills


News We currently offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. This academic year we have a total number of 2550 students enrolled on our various programs. We have recently established a partnership with Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAIT) and in collaboration with them graduated 15 postgraduate students in 2012 from the Civil Engineering Department in Structural Engineering specialization. The School of Technology currently runs manufacturing, hydraulics, construction materials, surveying and demonstration laboratories. We are also involved in a range of research and community services activities. Our work is supported by 64 highly dedicated and qualified members of staff.

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