L. Syam, Sundar; Tegegne Akanaw, Tesfahun; Tefera Sintie, Yihun; Z. Said; Kotturu, V.V; Chandra, Mouli; António, C.M. Sousa(Heat Transfer Research, 2020)
An experimental analysis was conducted to estimate the heat transfer, friction factor, and thermal performance factor of
high-Prandtl number vacuum pump oil-based magnetic Fe3O4 nanofluids flow in a tube with various ...
L. Syam, Sundar; Sintie, Yihun Tefera; Said, Zafar; Manoj, K. Singh; V. Punnaiah; Antonio, C.M. Sousa(Elsevier, 2020-06-13)
The energy and cost saving of flat plate collector using Al2O3/water nanofluids and with wire coil with core rod
inserts were studied experimentally. The experiments were conducted for various particle loadings of ...
L. Syam, Sundar; Mesfin, Solomon; Tefera Sintie, Yihun; V. Punnaiah, V. Punnaiah; Ali J., Chamkha; Antonio, C. M. Sousa(Journal of Nanofluids, 2021)
Energy demand is high in all parts of the world, mostly in all industrial sectors. To meet the energy demand
the fossil fuel is the only way. Due to rapid industrial growth and use of fossil fuel result in global warming ...
The unique thing about this research work is that it is the first study out of all its kinds in
Ethiopia. Ethiopia is an agricultural country and faces dearth of water resources availability for
crops as well as rural ...
Tefera Sintie, Yihun; Teshome Aduye, Gebrie(Renewables Wind,water and Solar, 2020)
The traditional vegetable drying (open-air/sun drying) method of harvesting of tomato, potato and onion in the
Fogera District in Amhara regional state, Ethiopia, leads to loss of product, reduction in the quality of ...
L. Syam, Sundar; Mesfin, Solomon; E. Venkata, Ramana; Said, Zafar.; Antonio, C.M. Sousa(Elsevier, 2020-12-11)
The synthesis method of in-situ/chemical co-precipitation was implemented for the addition of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the surface of nanodiamond (ND) nanoparticles, and it is characterized by using x-ray diffraction,
transmission ...
L. Syam, Sundar; Mesfin, Solomon; Said, Zafar; Manoj K., Singh; Punnaiah, V.; Antonio C.M., Sousa(International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, 2021)
The efficiency, energy, economical factor, heat transfer, friction factor, and thermal performance
of pH-treated Fe3O4/water nanofluid flow in a collector have been analyzed experimentally. Based
on the chemical ...
P.V. Durga, Prasad; L. Syam, Sundar; Mesfin, Solomon; António C.M., Sousa(Heat Transfer Research, 2021)
An experimental analysis is made to measure the heat transfer, friction factor, thermal performance, and effectiveness of
Cu/water nanofluids flow in a double-pipe U-bend heat exchanger. The metallic Cu nanoparticles are ...
Mesfin, Solomon(European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2021-12-21)
This research paper focuses about the total quality management on performance of Brewery
industry in Gondar city, north Ethiopia. The total quality management approaches with an aim of
incorporating awareness of quality ...
R. Robinson, Gnanadurai; Guadie, Tesfa; Mesfin, Solomon(Trans Indian Inst Met, 2021-10-11)
Abstract In this work, a natural fiber obtained from a
water hyacinth (WH) plant was used as reinforcement in
high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for the fabrication of
WH/HDPE composite by the compression molding process. ...
Wind energy is a vital energy free from pollution and freely available energy in our world.
The purpose of this research is performance investigation of small horizontal axis wind
turbine installed at the top of a pickup ...
Rengiah, Robinson; Mesfin, Solomon(Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2021-12-14)
In this work, an innovative nanocutting fluid, based on coconut oil was developed by dispersing silver nanoparticles
(AgNPs) of size less than 50 nm. The tribological and physical properties of the prepared nanocutting ...