The unique thing about this research work is that it is the first study out of all its kinds in
Ethiopia. Ethiopia is an agricultural country and faces dearth of water resources availability for
crops as well as rural area people. This research work is very inevitable because it fulfils the
water needs and also helps to minimize the energy deficit. This research article represents the
means of wind speed data collection, design of wind operated water pumping system and
analysis of the design under different wind conditions in Ethiopia. The wind data for the Kimir
Dingay woreda and Mayinet kebele villages in the Amhara region in Ethiopia was collected from
the Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment and the National Meteorological Service
Agency. Initially, the design calculations have been made on the basis of analytical methods.
Horizontal axis wind mill based water pumping system is fabricated by considering 18 blades
with an average radius of 3.5 m and total surface area of 38.5 m2. The wind energy input, lift and
drag on blades, rotor power output transmitted to the pump and water discharge from the pump
have been calculated. It has been shown that for any rotor size windmill produces maximum
power output when angle between blade chord and axis of blade rotation is in the range of 15–
19. The experimental analysis indicates, an average wind power was obtained as 642.5 W in the
month of August 2020 with a wind speed of 3.01 m/sec, which is increased to 3547.4 W in the
month of November 2020 with a wind speed 5.32 m/sec. The discharge rate of water varies from
1.7 lit/sec to 9.0 lit/sec (0.0017 to 0.009m3/s).