The synthesis method of in-situ/chemical co-precipitation was implemented for the addition of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the surface of nanodiamond (ND) nanoparticles, and it is characterized by using x-ray diffraction,
transmission electron microscopy and the magnetic property was estimated from the vibrating sample magnetometer. The 60:40% water-ethylene glycol mixture is used as a base fluid for the preparation of ND-Fe3O4 hybrid
nanofluids. Experimental techniques are used to measure the thermophysical properties at various particle
volume loadings, and temperatures and the obtained data is validated with literature data. The heat transfer,
friction factor, and pumping power are evaluated at particle volume loadings from 0.05% to 0.2% and in the
Reynolds number range from 2105 to 8126. The concepts of the second law of thermodynamics are used to
evaluate the thermal entropy generation, frictional entropy generation and exergy efficiency of the hybrid
nanofluids. The thermal conductivity enhancements are 5.03% and 12.79%, whereas, the viscosity enhancements are 108% and 50.84% at particle loading of 0.2% at temperatures of 20 ◦C and 60 ◦C in comparison with
base fluid. The Nusselt number is augmented to 15.65%; thermal entropy generation is reduced to 20%, frictional
entropy generation is augmented to 272.48% and exergy efficiency is increased to 38.24% with a maximum
penalty in friction factor of 1.128-times at 0.2% particle loading and a Reynolds number of 7502 against base
fluid data. New equations are modelled to evaluate the thermophysical properties, Nusselt number, and friction