The role of the local government and community in the process of post-conflict reconstruction is
often underestimated due to the dominant presence of major international donors. There is a
strong debate regarding their ...
This study explored youth unemployment for conflict, its socio-psychological impacts and possible
ways to address the problems in Janamora Woreda. To this end, relevant literature has been
reviewed to shade light on the ...
Effective communication is a crucial element in our lives and it is the basis for the organizational
objective achievement. Moreover, as it is known quality of communication has a direct impact on the
quality of ...
The main aim of this study was to investigate Women’s political participation in
the case of Debre Tabor city administration. the research was conducted using
descriptive research methods to collect both qualitative ...
The advent of democracy needs strong, institutionalized and viable alternative political parties that
participate and alternate on political power. However, Ethiopia`s experience since 1991 shows the
spread of weak ...
The purpose of this study is to investigate into land grabbing and community response in Amhara
National Regional State, Guagusa Woreda, Ayehu farm project: Challenges and prospects. The
study employed an explanatory ...
The main purpose of this study was to assess the perception of development induced displaced
local farmers on the impact of Tana Beles Sugar Factory; in the case of Jawi Woreda ,Awi zone
Amhara National Regional State. ...
The issues of good rural land administration in the developing (third world) countries is the issues
of survival and rural land administration as a process face multiple and dynamic challenge’s that
these challenge ...
Quality service delivery and customer satisfaction are critical issues in most service organizations
including in public sectors where services may be provided in a non-competitive environment due
to the non-existence ...
This thesis has attempted to evaluate the role of local government institutions in rural land
conflict management in Fagita Lekoma woreda, Awl Zone, ANRS. The general objective of the
study is to assess the role of ...
This study has attempted to assess the causes and effects of moral decadence on secondary
and preparatory students in the case of secondary and preparatory schools in Estie woreda,
south Gondar Zone. Both qualitative ...
Illegal gun Proliferation is one of the serious social and economic challenges for communities in
the world whether in the time of peace or conflict. Thus, the central objective of the study was to
investigate the ...
Civic and ethical education has been increasingly recognized as one of the mechanisms for
preparing good citizens who could play important roles in addressing the various problems of
their societies (Mulugeta, 2009, ...
Objective of this study is to assess the nature and prevalence of burglary-crime in Wogeda Town.
This study was examined the extent and nature of burglary crime, assessing major factors
leading to burglary crime, and ...
This study was aimed at investigating the causes, actors and impacts of Amhara and Gumuz inter ethnic conflict since 2018. To this end, qualitative research approach with case study research
design was employed. The ...
This study attempted to investigate the practice and challenge of good governance in tax collection
at the Addis Kidam Town Revenue Office of Awi Zone, Amhara region. This study endeavors to
cover some of the necessary ...
The main objective of this thesis was to investigate ethnic federalism and its challenges for
ethnic minorities in BGNRS the case of Mandura woreda using Amhara and Agew ethnic
minorities as an illustrative case. Hence, ...
The purpose of this study was to analyze rural to urban migration and its implications on urban
crime in Bahirdar city. To this end, the study has employed cross sectional research design that
contained data collection ...
The purpose of this study is assessing the pattern and impact of road traffic accidents on human security
in Gondar City. To achieve the objective, a sequential explanatory research design was employed. The
study used ...
Thisstudy wasintended to explore blood revenge practice and communities perception, to examine
the cause, consequence, intervention mechanism, societies view and reasons for the continuation
of blood revenge practice. ...