The study area being a resettled site for the people does not have adequate information to survive in such a different geographical conditions and lack of knowledge towards new form of businesses limit them to work out for ...
Rural communities, who are dominantly dependent upon natural resources, have always been
adjusting their livelihood against the vagaries of climate. With the global climate change, these
communities have been placed in ...
This research is done to evaluate the vulnerability of women to climate change in some
selected districts of North Gondar Zone. The IPCC vulnerability measures index were used to analyze
the vulnerability level. As a ...
Climate change is expected to have serious economic, social and environmental impacts in
Africa in general and sub-Saharan Africa in particular. Ethiopia is largely an agrarian country with
agriculture continuing ...
agrarian communities of Ethiopia the most sensitive social groups to its hazards. The objective of this
study is to examine climate variability, local communities’ perceptions and land management strategies in
Lay Gayint ...
Food security becomes a critical challenge for sub Saharan countries and the problem has
remained to be a big challenge in Ethiopia in the current times. A number of interventions were
provided despite the long term ...
Food security becomes a critical challenge for sub Saharan countries and the problem has
remained to be a big challenge in Ethiopia in the current times. A number of interventions were
provided despite the long term ...
The physical access to food in Africa south to Sahara is complicated due to weak and
inappropriate infrastructures. Poor roads, ports, communication, food storage facilities and other
installations are among factors that ...
The current government of Ethiopia claims that effective agricultural extension service contributes for the
improvement of smallholder farmers’ productivity and production. Despite multiple interwoven factors
hinder ...
In today’s fast changing business environment and tough global competition organizations are
finding difficult to function at optimum level. Based on this point of view this study is examining the
effect of ...
The main objective of the study wasto analyze the incidence and identify the main determinants
of poverty in rural areas in Borena district and the study employed primary data collected from
226 sample household head. ...
Climate change is the major environmental challenges which have wide range of economic, social and environmental impacts. In adaption of these impacts, it is important to assess and change the perception of local community ...
Both women and men are vulnerable to the impact of climate change. So, the overall objective of this study was to assess the gender dimension impacts of climate change at West Bellessa District, Northeast Ethiopia. Both ...
Lake Tana is the largest fresh water lake in Ethiopia affected by anthropogenic activities. This study
was designed to assess human impacts on water quality of Lake Tana using some physicochemical
parameters. The study ...
Lake Tana is a biodiversity reservoir and freshwater supplier that contribut significantly to the economy of Ethiopia and downstream recipient countries (Sudan and Egypt). Due to human activities, water quality and ...
In this thesis, the researcher assessed the growth determinants of micro and small enterprises
and its linkages with food security in Mecha woreda in the Amhara region. The objectives of
the research were: to identify ...
Land use change has profound impacts on ecosystem service, food production and
environment balance (Huimin, 2009). Ingeneral it was concluded that land use changes take
place rapidly, mostly due to population ...