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dc.contributor.author BERHANU EDEO
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-17T09:30:12Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-17T09:30:12Z
dc.date.issued 19-09-27
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2552
dc.description.abstract This descriptive research was implemented generally to assess grade twelve students’ motivation towards learning speaking skills in English at Yehibrat Fire Preparatory School which is found in TulluBollo town South West Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional State. The subjects of the research were grade twelve students and their English teachers of Yehibrat Fire preparatory school. With regard to methodology, the primary research design is quantitative supplemented by a qualitative one. The sampling populations of this study were students who were learning in grade twelve in 2010 E.C. and their English language teachers of the same year in the aforementioned school. Of the total population of 263 students, 50 were selected for this study using a random sampling technique. In addition, three English teachers of grade twelve were selectively chosen. As far as data collecting tools were concerned, the researcher utilized close and open ended questionnaires for students, interview for teachers, and observation of spoken resources in the school. With regard to data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative ways of data analysis were employed and the data were interpreted on the basis of descriptive statistical analysis i.e. using frequency and percentages. In addition, a qualitative analysis was done from the information collected through the open-ended items in the questionnaire, and the semistructured interviews with teachers were conducted and observations of spoken resource which are found in the school were also conducted. The findings of the study include: students were not learning English speaking lessons for the sake of personal interests (intrinsic motivation) but rather they assumed English speaking as an important tool to secure some advantages like when going abroad or seeking a job (extrinsic motivation). Leaners were affected during learning speaking by luck of exposure to English speaking either with teachers outside classroom. English language teachers did not pay much attention to encourage their students during speaking sessions. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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