Introduction: Diabetes foot deformity is one of the main cause of diabetic foot
ulceration and then leads to lower limb amputation. However, there is limited
study on the distribution of foot deformity and its ...
Background: The internal iliac artery (IIA) originates from the common iliac artery on each side,
approximately at the level of the intervertebral disc between L5 and S1, and lays anteromedial to the
sacroiliac ...
Background: Common bile duct (CBD) is formed by the union of the cystic duct to the
common hepatic duct at various location. It transports bile from the liver to the duodenum and
back to the gallbladder if the ...
Background: Cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) is one of the commonest ways of measuring heart size,
diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and screening of cardiomegaly. The CTR is tabulated as the
maximum transverse cardiac ...
Introduction: The ultrasonographic machines in our country are still using the Hadlock
standard fetal growth charts and tables as reference for estimation of the gestation age
(GA) of the fetus. Hence, the present ...
Introduction: The lateral ventricles are the greatest paired ventricles present inside the
cerebrum. Knowledge of the frontal horn size is necessary for the initial and precise analysis of
Ventriculomegaly. ...
Introduction: The portal vein (PV) begins at the level of 2nd lumbar vertebrae and measures
approximately 8cm long. In the lesser omentum the PV lies posterior to both common bile duct
and hepatic artery. The main ...
Introduction: Spleen is a firm organ about the size of a clenched fist and is the largest
member of lymphoid organs. Splenomegaly is important clinical finding enlarged with a
number of diseases. These can be ...
Introduction: In anatomy, the foramen magnum (Latin: “great hole”) is a large opening
in the occipital bone of the cranium. It is oval and wider behind, with its greatest
diameter anteroposteriorly through which ...
Introduction: Obturator nerve arises from the ventral divisions of the second, third, and
fourth lumbar nerves. However, the nerve has also been reported to arise only from the third
and fourth lumbar nerves. The ...
Introduction: Neural tube defect (NTD) is related to failure of neural tube closure between 3rd
and 4th weeks of embryo development. The cause of NTDs is not clearly stated; however, may
factors like radiation, ...
Background: Anatomically, there are six fontanels in the newborn skull, namely anterior, posterior, two
mastoid and two sphenoid fontanels. The anterior fontanel (AF) is the largest, prominent and most
important ...
Introduction: Cervical cancer is the commonest cancer of women’s reproductive system, which
is caused by a progression of precancerous lesions of cervix. Studies were done on the prevalence
and associated factors ...
Background: Congenital anomalies can be described as congenital malformations or birth
defects is a partial or complete structural and/or functional defects during intrauterine life and
may be observed at birth ...
Introduction: Hernia is a protrusion of part of the contents of the abdominal cavity through a
weakness in the abdominal wall. Globally, external hernias are the most common surgical
condition affecting all age ...
Introduction: Ovarian tumor is a heterogeneous group of neoplasm with abnormal
growth of tissue on or in a woman's ovary. It is one of the most common gynecological
tumors in the world, with a wide range of ...
Background: - The human uterus, which is a pear-shaped and muscular organ, has two
anatomical regions, the cervix and the corpus. The length of uterine cavity is determinant factor
for development of fetus during ...
Introduction: Umbilical cord may insert abnormally either velamentous or marginal insertion to
a placenta which can cause different birth and perinatal complications. Despite the increased
effort taken by different ...
Introduction: Anthropometry is an effective and frequently performed child health and nutrition
screening procedure. Anthropometric indices commonly used for the assessment of newborns'
body are birth weight, ...
Introduction: Neural tube defect (NTD) is one of the congenital defects of the central nervous
system due to neural tube closure deficit during the third and fourth weeks of gestational age.
Globally, more than ...