This study mainly focused on calculating the transition probability of a
particles in a given quantum state based on the idea of quantum jump,since
Quantum particles can change their quantum state very quickly. By ...
This study mainly focused on calculating the transition probability of a
particles in a given quantum state based on the idea of quantum jump,since
Quantum particles can change their quantum state very quickly. By ...
The objective of this study is to see the total electron content (TEC) value at each phases of geomagnetic storm day over selected GPS stations located in Nazareth and Bale robe, in Ethiopia. The data’s are Observational ...
The study of complete Fusion in heavy ion reactions, the excitation functions for several residues produced in the system oxygen (16O) and Terbium ( 159Tb) have been studied in the energy range 70-99MeV. The experimental ...
This study is intended to assess the groundwater potential in the upper Tull river catchment
near Adet town, North West Ethiopia. The study area is situated in Amhara National
Regional state west Gojam Administrative ...
Geophysical investigation using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method was conducted to
investigate groundwater potential zone for Debre Tabor town at Ribb catchment and South Gondar
Zone, North Ethiopia. The main ...
Megech plain is found near Gondar Town in Amhara regional state, Northern Ethiopia.
Geographically Megech area is located at UTM(ADINDAN) 315000E-336000E and
1371000N-1399000N with an elevation of 1877
The current ...
The patient radiation dose is a very essential parameter to control the quality of the x-ray
services within the hospital. Dose monitoring helps to ensure the best possible protection of
the patient and gives an immediate ...
This thesis presents a practical and objective procedure for a Bayesian inversion of geophysical
data. Inverse problems in geophysics allow us to gauge parameters we cannot directly observe. A desire
to quantify uncertainty ...
Natural radionuclides are found in terrestrial and aquatic food chains, with subsequent transfer to
humans through ingestion of food. Consuming the cereals contaminated with heavy metals has
different detrimental effects ...
Chest radiograph is the most common examination for many clinical conditions. Traumatic
adult injuries are the result of a wide variety of blunt, penetrating and burn mechanisms. They
include motor vehicle collisions, ...
The study area, Guang river catchments, in Amhara regional state, is found in Western Ethiopia
and can be located at UTM coordinate between (195983-203777m) E and (1438974-1425310 m)
N with an average elevation of 700 ...
To review the fermionic quasi particle branch of superfluid Fermi gases in the Bardeen-Cooper
Schrieffer (BCS) to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) crossover at nonzero temperature and in the
temperature range below the ...
This project work would been done for the completion of M.Sc. degree in physics (Nuclear
physics) under the title "The Role of One Proton Charge Excess in the Cross Section for the
Formation and Decay of Compound Nucleus ...
To review the fermionic quasi particle branch of superfluid Fermi gases in the Bardeen-Cooper
Schrieffer (BCS) to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) crossover at nonzero temperature and in the
temperature range below the ...
In the present work we have studied the ferromagnetism properties of dilute magnetic semiconductor i.e
GaMnAs which is depends on transition metal element(Mn). The prospect of a new generation of electronic devices based ...
Two-stage heat engine under the second condition in which the maximum efficiency is set to be ηC
and the minimum efficiency(the efficiency at maximum power) is set to be half of ηC; it is effectively
optimized. The study ...
The search for groundwater is vital as an immediate and sustainable solution to the scarcity of
water for drinking and other domestic uses in heavily populated areas like Fango Lome
catchment of Southern Ethiopia. The ...