The College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences as a result of its location, both locally within the town of Gondar and its wider location in Ethiopia, is in an ideal position to carry out exciting and essential work within the field of veterinary science. The huge livestock potential and natural resources of the region gives ample opportunity for meat and milk production, food processing as well as leather and wool production making our Faculty ideally placed to run practically oriented programs in the field of veterinary medicine and animal production. The presence of potentially high producing dairy cattle (Fogera), small ruminants, (Washera and Dangila) and poultry (Tilili) in the region creates the need for the highly skilled professionals capable of dealing with the management and health care of wild life, zoo and national park animals
News Our work seeks to enhance animal food resources both in quantity and quality with due consideration to human health, environment, tradition and culture of people; to promote self confident public and private veterinarians by improving their knowledge, skill and entrepreneurship; to provide consultancy services on animal health and animal production to end-users; and to enhance animal disease research and extension with special emphasis on livestock health and production problems in different agro-ecological zones of the country.
@ Uog