Introduction: The major concern of this study was to examine middle-aged women’s menopausal symptoms experience and their attitude towards
menopause in relation to some demographic factors.
Method-Three hundred middle-aged ...
Yemataw Wondie; Varghese Alexander Raju(2015-06-01)
Ethiopia, a nation of more than eighty ethnic groups and a similar number of languages,
some of them having no written form, has a great heritage of orature. Reflections on
historical events and legends ...
This article introduces a critical view on terrorism research and its knowledge about
suicide terrorism. The analysis combines a feminist-postcolonial perspective with a
sociology of knowledge ...
Land remains the most fundamental of issues in Native North America, followed by those
of tribal sovereignty and representation. Johnny Depp offered to buy the iconic land at
Wounded Knee and gift it ...
The purpose of this study was to explore intergroup bias among students in Addis Ababa University
Main Campus. Data were collected through unobtrusive measures. Graffiti ascribed by students in
toilet ...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of suicidal ideation, attempts and
associated factors among mental illness outpatients in Gondar university hospital. This study
used a cross sectional ...
The aim of the study was to investigate the extent of engagement, inclusion and influence of engagement on inclusion of Students with Disabilities (SWDs) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Convergent Parallel Mixed ...
Substance abuse has become one of the most pressing mental health issues. The dramatic increase
in drug production and trafficking in recent years has caused a growing number of drug abusers.
The purpose of ...
Mulatie, Missaye(Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 20-06-05)
Education has become one of the most powerful weapons to reduce inequality and poverty (UNESCO,
2000). The main purpose of this study was to investigate attitude of junior, secondary and preparatory
school ...
Sewasew, Daniel; Kassa, Selamawit; Abate, Gebeyehu; Shebabaw, Mengesha; Mandefero, Hone; Wondie, Yemataw(Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 20-06-12)
This study investigates the relationships among neighborhood condition, school problems,
parent adolescent communication, peer relation and religiosity on juvenile delinquency.
Self-reported questionnaires were collected ...
Human trafficking involves nearly every part of the world. It affects all regions and most countries of
the world. Though the Government of Ethiopia is attempting to eliminate trafficking, it does not ...
Getnet, Berhanie; Fekadu, Abebe; Getnet, Asfaw; Wondie, Yemataw M.A., Ph.D.(PERSPECTIVES IN GLOBAL MENTAL HEALTH, 2020-06-12)
A 27-year-old Coptic Christian woman who had been
in Beirut for 3 years and in Dubai for 5 years as a migrant
worker and who has now returned to Ethiopia,
discusses her experience: “The cause for my migration
was poverty ...