Background: - Most the neonatal deaths and long-life complications are because of adverse
birth outcome. Especially preterm, low birth weight and still birth are the most contributor of
high rate of neonatal death and adulthood health complications particularly in Ethiopia. So
identifying determinant factors of adverse birth outcome is among very important inputs to
mitigate adverse birth outcome and its impact; besides it is very important in alleviating study
limitation regarding determinant factors of still birth, preterm or low birth weight in Ethiopia.
Methods: Facility based unmatched case-control study design was used among 408 participants
selected by using systematic random sampling technique at Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia in 2019. Sample size was calculated Epi-Info using 95% confidence level,
80%power, and 10% non-response rate with 3:1 ratio of controls to cases. -Data were collected
by using interview administered structured questionnaire. The loaded data was exported from
Epi-data 3.1 to SPSS version 23.0 for analysis. Logistic regression model was used for analysis
& p-value <0.05 was accepted as independent determinants of adverse birth outcomes.
Results: There were 408 study participants with 100% response rate. This study identified that
complications during previous child bearing