Diabetes mellitus is a complex multifactorial and heterogeneous syndrome characterized by
hyperglycemia resulting from inadequate insulin secretion or insulin action. Type one diabetes is
a chronic inflammatory disease caused by a selective destruction of the insulin-producing β-cells
in the islets of Langerhans. It is an important public health problem. It accounts for between 5%
and 10% of all diabetes cases. The main genomic region controlling the predisposition to type
one diabetes is the Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) class I of the major histocompatibility
complex. The aim of the present study was to evaluate HLA B-27 polymorphism and risk factor
for type one diabetic among patients visiting University of Gondar Teaching Hospital Gondar,
North West Ethiopia. Two hundred blood samples were collected from September, 2015 to
July,2016 from clinically confirmed type one diabetes mellitus patients (n= 100) and from type
one diabetes mellitussero-negative individual (n= 100) that live in the study area by studying of
case control method. HLA B-27 polymorphism was detected using PCR-SSP (single specific
primer polymerasereaction) techniques. Statistical analyses of valuable data were performed by
SPSS (version 20) package. Forty eight percent of study participant’s type one diabetes were
with in the age range of less than forty years old and 67% were male. Age (P=0.000), study
participants were living rural area (p=0.001) were associated risk factor for type one diabetes
mellitus disease at 95% CI. The allele frequency in type one diabetes patients study subject (
n=100)was 0.67 and the remaining 33.the distribution of HLA-B-27 genotype in cases (p=0.000
and control (p= 0.001) were consistence with the Hardy winberg equation. In type one diabetes
mellitus patients study subject.67of the study participantswerehomogenous for HLA B27.In
control groups the frequency of HLA-B27 was 0.25 and the remaining 75 study subjects were
negative for the mentioned allele. There was statistically significance association between HLAB27genotype
and type one diabetes. (p=0.001, OR=1.370).
Further studies with large numbers of sample size within the same and different population are
reasonable in order to consider this polymorphism as a marker for type one diabetes mellitus