dc.description.abstract |
The study has attempted to survey and assess the values of heritages in the Kafa Administrative
Zone of South West Ethiopia. It has examined basic distinctions between different types of values
relevant to heritages. In the study field observation, knowledge of local peoples and exploring
existing literature has been done. The study also provides basic understanding of cultural
traditions of the area. The values of the heritages are for the society that belongs to in the case of
social, environmental, archaeological and in some case economical. In the discussion part the
study discussion on the values of the surveyed heritage according to the researcher finding and
literatures on the area. The results from this study survey showed that the heritages of Kafa are
challenged by both natural and man-made activities. The challenges are religions, population
pressure, natural catastrophe and agricultural activities that come across to those cultural and
natural heritages. Although conservation measures on the heritage so far done on the area were
under scale. By seen the result the study recommends to concern and conserve the cultural
heritages of the Zone. |
en_US |