
Livelihoodvulnerabilityto climate change and adaptation of rural peoples in case of WogeraWereda, Central Gondar Administration Zone; ofAmhara Region; Ethiopia;

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dc.contributor.author SHEWANEH NIGUSSIE
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-18T09:15:30Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-18T09:15:30Z
dc.date.issued 19-09-28
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2646
dc.description.abstract Nowadays, climate change is the most complex and challenging environmental problem facing the world today. Understanding perception and adaptation strategies at a community level is important for achieving sustainable adaptation options in a climate vulnerable area. A total of 367 households distributed in three agro-ecological zones were interviewed toassess the livelihood vulnerability and adaptive strategies adopted by the households to cope with climate change impactsin Wogeraworeda of Central Gondar. In this study, both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed and the data for this study were also generated from both primary and secondary sources. The data obtained from various sources were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed the weather is unpredictable and variability has increased over time with no positive outlook or aspect associated with this change. Local people perceived changes in rainfall patterns, resulting in declining land productivity and decreased yields. Constantly increasing population growth, environmental degradation, low and erratic rainfall, rain-fed subsistence agriculture, declining land productivity and lack of appropriate technologies were found to be the major causes for their vulnerability. The studied households have been suffering from frequent and severe hazards which include drought, flooding, erratic and heavy rainfall affects the environment and their livelihood in the area are linked to persisting vulnerability. Though almost all households appear to be vulnerable to climatic crisis, but the problem is different within social groups. As a result, the local communities are adapting to this changing situation by changing cropping patterns, introducing crops that can mature shortly, wood and charcoal selling, wage labor, selling of assets, reforestation, saving and migration. Besides, awareness raising, access to credit and saving services, dissemination of technology and provision of safety nets to some lowlanders and emergency aid are found to be the coping strategies provided by the government institution. Therefore, the regional government, NGOs and the local communities should work hand in hand to enhance livelihood options for the vulnerable communities tostrengthen off-farm activities, introduce and promote improved agricultural technologies, diversify farmer’s income sources, environmental rehabilitation, empowering local people with information and education, skill training and other support services paying attention to gender considerations. Key words:Climate change, vulnerability and adaptive strat en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Livelihoodvulnerabilityto climate change and adaptation of rural peoples in case of WogeraWereda, Central Gondar Administration Zone; ofAmhara Region; Ethiopia; en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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