This study mainly focused on assessing the attitude of school community towards the use of sign
language for instructional purpose in Bahir Dar city in the case of Yekatit 23 and Donaberber
primary school to do so the researcher used sampling techniques selection of a few
representative samples are believed to throw light up on the whole population. Using in 13
students with hearing impairments, 23 general classroom teachers, 7 special need teachers, 2
vice principals and 2 principals is total population sample and simple random sampling technique
by lottery system was employed 44 students without hearing impairment. The data gathered by
using both qualitative and quantitative method show the following result. To collected data from
participants the researcher used questionnaire, interview, and observation. The major findings
They have positive attitude of regular students, teachers, and principals towards inclusion of
students with hearing impairments. The research result also confirmed that some problem which
happened like lack of skillful man power that means sign language interpreters very small and
not graduated different subject, Lack of collaboration between special and regular classroom
teachers and lack of accessible teaching material are the major challenges to practice sign
language for student with hearing impairment.
Based on the finding, the study makes recommendations which include Plan the 2% of GEQIP
budget and manages the effective implementation of the strategy at school level, teaching material
was available and awareness rising for the school community .Teachers must take trainings and
update their sign language skill every time and they must work to improve the sign language and
create equivalent signs for science subject and other areas are their responsibility.