The purpose of this study was to examine the attitude of teachers towards teaching students
with sensory impairments in regular classroom by employing descriptive and correlation method. To
achieve the purpose of the study, regular teachers who teach students with sensory impairments from
grade 5th- 8th , which are 186 and among them M=101, F=85 totally 186 were participated in the
study. The participants were selected from Gondar City Administration and Awi Administrative Zone
by comprehensive sampling. A five point attitude scale questionnaire consisting of 31 attitude items
were used to collect data. Descriptive analysis was used to examine the mean score of teachers
attitude& the mean attitude sore is 3.97 which is above the median. The obtained result indicated that
teachers have positive attitude towards education of students with sensory impairments in regular
classroom. The relationship between teachers attitudes towards education of students with sensory
impairments in regular classroom & their demographic characteristics / experience & qualification
was not statically significant. But the relationship between teachers attitudes towards teaching
students with sensory impairments in regular classroom & training was statically significant a=0.05
level. Difference between the demographic characteristics of teachers such as gender, qualification, &
teaching experience and their attitude towards education of students with sensory impairments in
regular classroom was checked byt- test and teachers and their attitude was not statistically
significant at a=0.05 level. Based on the result it was recommended that effective measures needed to
be taken to enable teachers to have more positive attitude towards teaching students with sensory
impairments in regular classroom as their qualification and experience increases through continuous
training by the professionals in the area & further research is also a required to examine the attitude
towards teaching students with sensory impairments.