
Religious Sites of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Tourism in Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Abeselom Nekatibeb
dc.date.accessioned 2018-10-04T13:42:02Z
dc.date.available 2018-10-04T13:42:02Z
dc.date.issued 2018-10-06
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1722
dc.description.abstract The Objective of this article is to explore and identify the contribution of the EOTC religious sites play in promoting tourism in Ethiopia with particular reference to EOTC. It does not include all churches and their heritages, but to disclose the most common tourist attraction in the study area. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) was officially established in the first half of the 4 c. During the time of Emperor Ezana who ruled Aksum and he officially decreed Christianity as the state religion in 330 AD. The EOTC has numerous churches and monasteries with their unique paintings, sacred objects and precious manuscripts which are tourist attractions. 50-60% of the international tourist market share in Ethiopia as compared to all the man-made attractions belongs to EOTC. However, only a few are recognized and visited by both international and domestic tourists. Key words: Religious Sites, Orthodox Church, Tourism 1. Introduction Since, ancient time human being has been practicing spirituality. Due to this reason, he has constructed different edifices where he practiced worshiping. The religious buildings, signs and other arts have great contribution together with cultural, historical and natural sites for the promotion of tourism. Mainly, the development of religion has contributed to and promoted the growth of tourism in different parts of the world. Currently, many religions exist throughout the world. Each of them has their own contribution to the development of tourism (Sisay, 2002: 42). The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church (EOTC) the oldest in Africa and of the oldest in the world was built up through the centuries very much in isolation from the rest of Christianity. The church has numerous churches and monasteries with their paintings, sacred objects and precious manuscripts. Moreover, liturgy and song is one area of attraction for those people interested in religious art and history. The Timket celebrations are along the fascinating liturgies organized by the church annually (Little, 1969:2). It is clear that, the EOTC, which is one of the oldest churches, was evangelized by St. Frumentius at the middle of the fourth century. It has got a precious spiritual heritage. About the share of the church's contribution Sisay (2002: 43) stated that "The EOTC attractions account for 50-60% of the international tourist market share in Ethiopia as compared to all the man-made attractions". The great resources and contribution of the EOTC tourism promotion in religious sites is very high. The heritages of churches are found in especial treasure built near churchyards. The heritages also damaged by moisture, mice, bats, etc. In addition to this fair also another case of destruction (Ayalew, 1991, EC.:11-14). The EOTC holds many historical and religious treasures that are internationally significant. However, few are recognized and visited by both international and domestic tourists (Little 1968:3). It is true the tourist resources of the EOTC are immense; it is impossible to incorporate all of them in this limited space. Many of them that could be listed under UNESCO world heritage are not well recognized and still not visited (Mulugeta, 2014:2). en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Religious Sites of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Tourism in Ethiopia en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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