The main purpose of this study was to assess the education of students with visual impairment
in terms of their service provision, academic achievement and the learning teaching process in the
integrated primary schools of DebreMarkos town Administration. The study was conducted at two
integrated primary schools of DebreMarkos town namely Dibza and Nigus T/haymanot.The
participants of the study were 15 students with visual impairment, 10 Special Needs Education
teachers, 42 regular teachers and 150 regular students with a total of 217 participants in the two sample
schools. Purposive, availability and stratified sampling techniques were used to draw the sample
participants. Questionnaire was used to collect the data from the selected participants. Quantitative
research approach was employed. Descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, mean and standard
deviation analyzing techniques were used to analysis the data. From the collected and analyzed data
the following results were emerged students with visual impairment had negative opinion towards their
integration, the service provision provided to those students with visual impairment was limited,
regular teachers did not get any kind of in -service training in handling the learning needs of students
with visual impairment, the availability of resources and special equipment’s, resource personnel and
support services were very limited. The school physical environment was not conducive for students
with visual impairment, the assessment and evaluation practices used by the teachers was full of
challenges. Based on the findings conclusions were drawn and recommendations were also forwarded.
To improve the academic achievement of students with visual impairment, regular and special needs
education teachers and students with visual impairment should be exposed to mobility
orientationtraining, braille reading and writing training, school principals should plan for both schools
and out school training, the government should take in to consideration for the needs of students with
visual impairment.