Allee effect refers to reduction in individual fitness at low population
densities. Among several Allee effects that are known to occur in species dynamics, we
consider additive Allee effect which appear to exist in ...
In this article the minimum number of positive periodic solutions admitted
by a non-autonomous scalar differential equation is estimated. This result is employed to
find the minimum number of positive periodic solutions ...
Nowadays, kidney failure is a problem of many peoples in the world. We know that the main function of kidney is maintaining the
chemical quality of blood particularly removing urea through urine. But when they malfunction, ...
Nowadays, kidney failure is a problem of many peoples in the world. We know that the main function of kidney is maintaining the chemical quality of blood particularly removing urea through urine. But when they malfunction, ...
Pairwise comparison matrices are often employed as a basic tool in multi-criteria decision-making. Incomplete matrix
appears when some elements are missing. The paper aims to implement Gradient descent method for minimization ...
In this project, second-order macroscopic vehicle traffic flow models are discussed from
the perspective of their capability to reproduce stable and unstable traffic flow behaviors
observed in real traffic. To achieve ...
This study is intended to assess the groundwater potential in the upper Tull river catchment
near Adet town, North West Ethiopia. The study area is situated in Amhara National
Regional state west Gojam Administrative ...
The patient radiation dose is a very essential parameter to control the quality of the x-ray
services within the hospital. Dose monitoring helps to ensure the best possible protection of
the patient and gives an immediate ...
The Second-Order Differential Equations in the Phase Plane was dealt by different scholars
having various parameters. Second order differential equations occur while modeling the
practical problems and determining the ...
ELzaki transform, is a new integral transform, whose fundamental properties are presented in
this paper, is little known and not widely used. Here the ELzaki transform used to solve
problems without resorting to a new ...
In this paper we study the bio-economics of a renewable resource with governing dynamics
described by two distinct growth functions (viz., logistic and Gompertz growth functions) in
a seasonally varying environment. ...
Natural radionuclides are found in terrestrial and aquatic food chains, with subsequent transfer to
humans through ingestion of food. Consuming the cereals contaminated with heavy metals has
different detrimental effects ...
This thesis presents a practical and objective procedure for a Bayesian inversion of geophysical
data. Inverse problems in geophysics allow us to gauge parameters we cannot directly observe. A desire
to quantify uncertainty ...
Geophysical investigation using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method was conducted to
investigate groundwater potential zone for Debre Tabor town at Ribb catchment and South Gondar
Zone, North Ethiopia. The main ...
Megech plain is found near Gondar Town in Amhara regional state, Northern Ethiopia.
Geographically Megech area is located at UTM(ADINDAN) 315000E-336000E and
1371000N-1399000N with an elevation of 1877
The current ...
The Second-Order Differential Equations in the Phase Plane was dealt by different scholars
having various parameters. Second order differential equations occur while modeling the
practical problems and determining the ...
In this project, second-order macroscopic vehicle traffic flow models are discussed from
the perspective of their capability to reproduce stable and unstable traffic flow behaviors
observed in real traffic. To achieve ...
ELzaki transform, is a new integral transform, whose fundamental properties are presented in
this paper, is little known and not widely used. Here the ELzaki transform used to solve
problems without resorting to a new ...
Our aim is to avoid the need for calculating explicitly solutions to ODE's; we will be focusing
on determining qualitative features of these solutions. The approach is graphical and geometric and
provides a description ...
Linear algebra over distributive lattices, Boolean algebras and semirings etc. has a long history, as well as holds an important position in the modern theory of linear algebra due to their applications to computer science, ...